
From the high performance material Aluminiumoxid Alumina Systems GmbH produces customized ceramic – to – metal composites. For power semiconductors we produce housings up to 6“ in diameter, meeting around 60% of the world`s demand – some 200.000 components per year from mass production brazing processes. Core technologies like dry pressing, metallization, active and passive brazing on belt and batch furnaces. And galvanic finishing is also used to produce components for myriad other cutting-edge industries such as vacuum, laser, sensor, x-ray, plasma, medical, accelerator and measurement sytems.

Our Products

Roots and experience of Alumina Systems GmbH traced back to the ceramic divison of the world famous Siemens company. Alumina Systems GmbH produces beside thyristor and diode housings also vacuum interrupter tubes, vacuum feedthroughs and customized special parts. For vacuum technology we set up a standard program for feedthroughs and vacuum breaks. This standard parts are matching the common vacuum designs like ISO KF and CF. With our special Know-how in ceramic-to- metal-assemblies we cover a large range of electric applications: from bondable goldplated ceramic sensors, over laser beam generator tubes up to Kicker-Tubes for accelerators.

Alumina Systems GmbH creates the design of such demanding components by using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to calculate mechanical-thermal stresses. This allows us to compare and rate in advance different designs. So you can indetify without trial and error steps the best design bevor the first part is produced.