Alumina Systems presents CeraSalt® Prototype


Alumina Systems presented its new battery for stationary applications at the “International Sodium Battery Symposium Dresden” (SBS4) on September 4th and 5th, 2023: CeraSalt® Home.

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Sodium batteries in all their variants are promising alternatives to the currently common lithium cells. This is reflected, among other things, in the increasing interest among experts and the public. At the invitation of the Fraunhofer Institute Dresden, numerous representatives from science and business took part in the 4th “International Sodium Battery Symposium” on September 4th and 5th, 2023. Alumina Systems presented the prototype of the CeraSalt® Na/NiCl2 battery for home use at the symposium.

Alumina Systems Managing Director Dr. Holger Wampers and Karl-Hermann Buchner (development of the Battery Systems division) presented the first prototype of CeraSalt® Home Solutions to the numerous experts. CeraSalt® battery storage based on Na/NiCl2. Dr. In his presentation, Wampers pointed out the many advantages of CeraSalt® batteries. “The raw materials for this battery come from Europe; neither lithium nor cobalt are needed. The batteries can therefore be 100 percent downcycled,” emphasized Dr. Wampers. Due to their intrinsic safety (non-flammable, non-explosive), the CeraSalt® batteries could be installed anywhere in buildings without additional structural measures (such as fire protection, ventilation); regardless of whether it is a basement, garage or attic. Furthermore, Dr. Wampers points out that the CeraSalt® batteries do not require any maintenance over their lifespan of at least 15 years. “Our CeraSalt® batteries also work under extreme temperatures, from -20 to +60 degrees Celsius,” emphasized Dr. Wampers.

Market launch schedule:

The CeraSalt® Na/NiCl2 battery is suitable for all stationary applications, e.g.
  • CeraSalt® Home: as a home storage solution for photovoltaic systems in single-family or multi-family homes. Market launch planned for the end of Q1/2024.
  • CeraSalt® Pro: as a modular rack installation and as large storage units in shipping containers for storage, peak shifting and peak storage in wind farms and solar fields. Market launch planned for the end of Q2/2024
  • CeraSalt® UPS: as an uninterruptible power supply, e.g. in telecommunications, in hospitals and in critical infrastructure (e.g. public administrations, rescue control centers, municipal utilities, etc.). The market launch is planned for the end of 2024.

Brochure download:

You can download the English-language brochure as a PDF via this link

More Information about CeraSalt®:
